 Acupuncture for Conception | Acupuncture Infertility Treatment


Lifestyle & Diet - The Basics

Chinese medicine recommends a healthy lifestyle for infertility issues

Traditional Chinese medicine recognizes food as the main source of energy. In China, most Chinese herbs are considered food. A meal isn’t just a meal but an opportunity to supply our Organs with the balanced energies needed for health.

  1. Eliminate all refined sugar, and everything that contains refined sugar. Use natural (raw, unprocessed) honey and stevia.
  2. Do not eat refined carbohydrates like white bread or pasta. Avoid any food made with white flour. Simple starches are converted to glucose immediately after ingestion and become sugar.
  3. Eliminate caffeine, nicotine, alcohol, chocolate, and soda pop. Use lemon or lime in filtered water, bottled water or club soda to help keep you more alkaline.
  4. Eat organic or hormone-free, free range grass fed meats, and eggs whenever possible.
  5. Avoid dairy products such as milk, cheese and ice cream. Goat milk and cheese are okay.
To insure you have enough calcium during your IVF procedures eat more of the following foods and vegetables (the calcium content indicated is per 100-gram/3.5 ounce portion:

Almonds 234 mg; Amaranth 267 mg; Apricots (dried) 67 mg; Artichokes 51 mg; Beans (can: pinto, black) 135 mg; Beet greens (cooked) 99 mg; Black-eyed Peas 55 mg; Bran 70 mg; Broccoli (raw) 48 mg; Brussels Sprouts 36 mg; Buckwheat 114 mg; Cabbage (raw) 49 mg; Carrot (raw) 37 mg; Cashew nuts 38 mg; Cauliflower (cooked) 42 mg; Swiss Chard (raw) 88 mg; Chickpeas (garbanzos) 150 mg; Collards (raw leaves) 250 mg; Cress (raw) 81 mg; Dandelion Greens 187 mg; Endive 81 mg; Escarole 81 mg; Figs (dried) 126 mg; Filberts (Hazelnuts) 209 mg; Kale (raw leaves) 249 mg; Kale (cooked leaves) 187 mg; Leeks 52 mg; Lettuce (light green) 35 mg; Lettuce (dark green) 68 mg; Molasses (dark–213 cal.) 684 mg; Mustard Greens (raw) 183 mg; Mustard Greens (cooked) 138 mg; Okra (raw or cooked) 92 mg; Olives 61 mg; Oranges (Florida) 43 mg; Parsley 203 mg; Peanuts (roasted & salted) 74 mg; Peas (boiled) 56 mg; Pistachio Nuts 131 mg; Raisins 62 mg; Rhubarb (cooked) 78 mg; Sauerkraut 36 mg; Sesame Seeds 1160 mg; Squash (Butternut) 40 mg; Soybeans 60 mg; Tofu 128 mg; Spinach (raw) 93 mg; Sunflower Seeds 120 mg; Sweet Potatoes (baked) 40 mg; Turnips (cooked) 35 mg; Turnip Greens (raw) 246 mg; Turnip Greens (boiled) 184 mg; Water Cress 151 mg.

  1. Eat fresh fruit only no processed fruit juice. The processing of food eliminates much of the natural nutrition present in the original food. Fresh vegetable juice is great.
  2. Eat alkaline rather than acidic foods. Contemporary sources advocate eating alkaline foods like non-citrus fruits, vegetables, and sprouts, which help provide the entire reproductive system with the right pH for conception and implantation. See the “pH of Foods” list for more specifics.
  3. Get plenty of essential fatty acids, preferably from unprocessed plant sources such as flaxseed oil, and raw nuts. Deep-sea fish is O.K.
  4. Consume a lot organic vegetables, such as dark-green vegetables, broccoli, cauliflower, beets, carrots, kale, collards, cabbage and Brussels sprouts, sautéed or lightly cooked. Do not eat only raw, cold foods (some are okay). Don’t consume ice-cold beverages or put ice in your water. Especially avoid ice cream.

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